An example of a skilled Filipino watchmaker who wanted to change the old and substandard method in watch repairing in the country and become global but could not afford expensive equipment so he designed and made them and developed the curriculum in watch repair technician. (Story in blog archive October 2009)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The biggest project I've ever had.

Here's the video of my on going project- a 10 meter wide floral clock seen here being tested in a basketball court the only place that can accomodate my clock testing prior to final installation..

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Another successful installation of tower clock.

Here's the pics of my recent tower clock installation. A 3-dial 1 meter wide each tower clock installed in a newly developed subd. in Cavite.


About Me

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Teacher in watch repair technology, awarded as Top Inventor of the Year 2003, tower clockmaker