An example of a skilled Filipino watchmaker who wanted to change the old and substandard method in watch repairing in the country and become global but could not afford expensive equipment so he designed and made them and developed the curriculum in watch repair technician. (Story in blog archive October 2009)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

High Rise Tower Clock Installation

The men behind the installation of another Le Arsi Tower Clock 6.5 meter-wide.
Truly a masculine job. Preparing the gondola for the operator and the clock's hands installer where they are going to ride from the ground up to almost 36th floor.
A view of some part of Quezon City seen from the top.
Safety gear saves lives.
Now waiting for the gondola with two men to come up.
Two brave men.
 Removing the rust before hands installation.
The hour hand is waiting on top, first to install.
This is where my clock  going to be installed.
Now, the hard moment installing a 50 kilo hour hand and next the much harder with 70 kilo minute hand. 
But everything goes smoothly as planned.
And now this is Le Arsi Tower Clock...
a landmark, a public service, an architectural part of the design of the building and the very first of its kind in the Philippines or maybe in the world.  I made the clock movement with only two active wheels driven separately by two different motors controlled digitally. Truly a Filipino ingenuity!
Happy moments!


About Me

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Teacher in watch repair technology, awarded as Top Inventor of the Year 2003, tower clockmaker